Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weight issues

OK, I'll admit it. I started to run to lose weight. Hated it at first. Lost the weight, got injured, stopped running... gained the weight back on. Sometimes this feels hopeless.

So, I started marathon training and Weight Watchers since I don't want to put on weight as I've seen some bloggers do during marathon training.  My biggest worry is being hungry all the time. I love eating, so does my husband my son and my 2 dogs.  We'd be lost without cheese. Now I'll have to learn to count and weigh and approximate and make good choices.

I've been on a lot of diets in the past. South beach, Atkins, Cabbage soup (don't even try that one) and diet pills. So many I just can't remember. I have lost and regained and lost and put it back on, well, too many times.  Hey I want to lose 25 pounds. That's not too much to ask. It's not shinking down my whole body size or going under my healthy weight. I just want to get it over with!

What got me thinking was reading this : www.msteechur.com.  This lady is amazing! I met her (virtualy) on the runners roundtable, a podcast, you can get it on ITunes, she was talking about her experience as a marathon maniac. Marathon maniac... this lady used to be so big and now she runs marathons. Well, that's it. If she can do it, so can I.

Running 6k at lunch, the weather is beautiful and I plan to listen to a podcast or two.

Love and hope


Zen Runner said...

You can do it if you really want it. Believe.

Unknown said...

One step at a time and you will make it.